so the beastie boys' little instrumental album isn't very
critically aclaimed. so what. they've been saying all along that it was just a project for fun. the only thing is, boys, when you do a project just for fun, it's better to just make that for your friends, and not release it like a regular album 'cause then the critics will
critique it - and ya know, career move mumbo jumbo.
landmark in west hollywood is testing out couches as a new seating arrangement that is apparently being received with mixed emotions. personally, what's not to love?! as long as it's a recliner sofa and i can put my feet up! i can just imagine that movie theaters are going to start to have furniture name-sponsors though like "La-Z-Boy Presents Landmark Cinemas".
oddly also reported in hollywood, it made my day that
SNZ are talking about a new album. yes! it's about darn time!! if my zippers CD's were records, they would have be all scratched up by now. thankfully that's why i have an ipod.
guardian came out with a list of top
1000 movies to see before you die last week. as unoriginal as their title is, i do prefer this list to the snooty AFI lists that are always outdated, male-driven, and conservative.
oh yeah, for weeks i've been meaning to post something about this artist who chose
amusement park rides as a medium. pre-tty original, i must say. i'mimpressed.
not to be outdone by the ridiculous amounts of snow last winter, Colorado's summer so far has been hot & miserable - even
humid which never is usually even possible here! they say it was 93 yesterday, but i swear it was hotter than that.
i was driving around in traffic all day, trying to find some shoes for luba's upcoming wedding. i really regret that now because at the end of the day, i just ended up buying some on Zappos anyway! along with some other adorable and very unnecessary (yet necessary!) shoes. (below)

thursday i leave for a short jaunt to Monterey, and July 21 Chris and I are looking forward to seeing some of southwest New York state and northern Pennsylvania countryside on our way to luba's wedding. actually we will be seeing lots of the insides of small airports the most - we have strange, long layovers in places like Detroit, Cincinnati, and Lincoln, Nebraska.