Wednesday, October 25, 2006

although they can't talk, dogs have a different way of communicating...

this morning when I was walking Derby, some guido-looking guy with an open-chested shirt and gold chain walks by us and says "Hey, Marmaduke" and laughs. And right as I was thinking "For the last time, why do dumb guys always call Derby Marmaduke, he's not a Great Dane..." I turned around to call Derby but he was busy squatting & shatting on the guy's lawn.


Anonymous said...

what was the phrase about "i poop on"?

Anonymous said...

it goes, for example
your open-chested shirt looks very nice...for me to poop on!

wait, you mean you haven't heard that triumph the insult dog has his own recording contract? seriously, he released a rap album with videos. where have you been the last few years?! another continent? : )