I waited in Denver International Airport for nearly 3 hours last Saturday morning JUST in the security line to get to my gate. The line wrapped around the entire first floor of the airport which means 16 baggage claim carousels. I have never seen anything like that, not even Disneyland is that bad. There were no airport employees monitoring the line either.
As much as I knew I wouldn't make my flight, I hung in there until I got to the gate. And once I missed my flight, I just gave up. The line for getting on flights standby was 2 hours. Even if I went standby, I'd have to go to Chicago first and then wait to go standby to Conneticutt. The amount of negativity in the air from angry, desparate, tired passengers, and frustrated and overworked airline employees... it was all the brewing grounds for a freakin' riot or something. Was not up for that.
So I went home, grabbed my Nikon, printed out Mapquest directions, packed some food in a paper bag, and called my friend Julie to say I'm driving down to Austin. 16 hour drive meant one night in a hotel and I could handle that. Found a best western on the New Mexico - Texas border, took a long bath, and slept very well that night.Since 8:00 on Christmas Eve I've been hanging out with Julie, her boyfriend Paul, Paul's brother Ken, and Ken's girlfriend Bernadette. They all have to work most of the week but we spent Christmas Day hanging out, went to see Pursuit of Happyness, and Julie made a delicious dinner of filet mignon and rosemary potatoes. And we all got drunk on red wine.
Yesterday I did some after-Christmas shopping, picked up a book on Texas, and walked around downtown and the Capitol building today (not suprisingly - the biggest Capitol in the country, even 7 feet taller than the Capitol in Wash DC!).
Rescheduled Christmas vacation was going well until today, but now I'm worried because Denver is getting another big storm tomorrow which is supposed to dump a foot of snow on the state, and no doubt will close down roads, offices, and the airport yet again.
There has been enough sad stories this month on the news about people thinking they can "brave the storm" that I am not about to go driving through New Mexico & Colorado in the bad weather. But I do want to get home soon to pick up Derby so I'll just sit and watch the Weather Channel for now and see when it's due to pass. I may drive through Oklahoma or Northern Texas. Wherever's it's not snowing. I feel like Thelma without Louise! At least I have a lucky Christmas armadillo over the dash.
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