Wednesday, January 24, 2007

maybe it's just my trip to texas talking...

this is random for me because I'm not usually one to have a lot of PRIDE in Colorado, but it's really bugging me that some reporters in Denver are outright saying that the Democratic National Convention in Denver will "put us on the map" and "dispel stereotypes about Denver being the land of cowboys" (paraphrasing). None of my friends or relatives have ever stereotyped Denver as a cowpoke town in my years here...

And yet stories like this one on our local news last week
always make me humbly realize that there are parts of our state, not even two hours away, where cowboys and ranchers actually still rely on cows and hay to make their living. It's remarkable to stop and think that industries exist where physical factors like cattle, weather, and train deliveries affect the business (as opposed to bluetooth and blackberries).

Denver's annual stock show and rodeo, also last week, is consistently a huge money and tourism generator for Denver, so I especially find it disgusting of certain snobby reporters to say we can finally "dispel the myth" about cowboy culture here. WTF.

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