it's almost too crazy to believe, because i am totally not the prototype of an entrepreneur. the desire for running a business is not in my blood. i have never wanted any kind of senior management position in a company even, because of the stress level and pressure that comes with it. but the types of business Tim Feriss encourages are almost hands-off entirely. you start it, you get it going for a year or two, you outsource the work to companies that provide the service already, you delegate decision making to capable staff, then you let it run on "autopilot".
i know, most people think it's too good to be true, and a more important objective i have thought is, "who wants to be entirely hands off their business?!", i mean, you gotta have something to get involved in that gets you up in the morning. but anyway there seems to be an opportunity in there somewhere for me.
my career goals have always been: to find something that i enjoy, that allows me to save money and give to charities i care about, to work less than 40 HOURS a week, and to have more than 2 weeks vacation a year. i sort of imagined that my only choice for a job was to ultimately become a teacher (which would require at least a couple more years of college, undue stress and debt, all of this just to get to a job with less stress & more money). and i know it's probably that 30 year old birthday looming ahead next year, that's got me thinking so hard about work and income.
so, there's a lot of planning and brainstorming going on in my head. i won't share the details of my business concept until i have a plan, a web site, and when i'm ready to get the word out... but know that if i'm absent from the blog, that's what i'm working on. maybe i'll add a business blog about it soon. : )
a photo i love of our niece, Olivia, in connecticut

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