Friday, February 29, 2008

damn girl scouts

Have you, or anyone you know gotten the flu or a terrible cold in the last few weeks? And tell me this - were you, or those same people you know, seen nibbling on girl scout cookies just prior to getting sick? I swear! everyone I know who got sick was also seen eating Thin Mints just prior. I'm starting the rumor right now... the girl scouts infested the country with the flu!!

OK, maybe I just need someone to blame.

I am horribly sick, but I think I'm in the final stretch of it today. It's been 7 days of every disgusting cold symptom imaginable. The skin on my nose is actually peeling now. The weird thing is I went to the doctor around 9am today, she gave me a bigass prescription of antibiotics (for sinusitis) that I immediately put in my purse. I haven't even had a single pill yet, and I'm already feeling better. Maybe I should just carry the bottle of pills around with me for the next few days.

Here's a few things to cheer oneself up if one happens to be sick. And for god's sake, put down that box of Thin Mints.

March 20th is the first annual Wear a Sweater Day in honor of Mr. Rogers. I love this!!!

here's a really cute web site from the Screen Actors Guild where various actors will read you a bedtime story.

this blog called Stuff White People Like (nay - love) has been cracking me up all day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

take a moment to pause

here's a really fun video of 207 people all freezing in place in Grand Central Station at the same time. i totally would have volunteered for this!

Friday, February 08, 2008


Oh my Lord, I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone invented a Myspace for Pets... called I don't know about other dogs, but I don't think Derby is looking to meet friends online!

I came across that site when browsing for gadgets for my igoogle home page. If you haven't done an igoogle page yet, it's really really really addictive. It's much more extensive than My Yahoo. You can get gas prices for your zip code up to the second!

Monday, February 04, 2008

a moment of moz

it's simultaneously so funny and surprising that fans go so crazy for Morrissey in concert. even at his age now, he is constantly tackled on stage while trying to get through a concert. it's at least half of the amusement of his shows (the other half being, that he doesn't sing on key and is somehow still brilliant).

personally i love the guy but - call me crazy - to me, his body language just doesn't scream "hug me"

btw, has anyone else noticed that Bruce Campbell should probably play Morrissey in a biopic? i have to give hollywood all their ideas...

do yourself a favor and check out will hoge, a new favorite artist for my un-genre-classifiable list just like brandi carlile, lucinda williams, patty griffin, and come to think of it, even morrissey!