Friday, February 29, 2008

damn girl scouts

Have you, or anyone you know gotten the flu or a terrible cold in the last few weeks? And tell me this - were you, or those same people you know, seen nibbling on girl scout cookies just prior to getting sick? I swear! everyone I know who got sick was also seen eating Thin Mints just prior. I'm starting the rumor right now... the girl scouts infested the country with the flu!!

OK, maybe I just need someone to blame.

I am horribly sick, but I think I'm in the final stretch of it today. It's been 7 days of every disgusting cold symptom imaginable. The skin on my nose is actually peeling now. The weird thing is I went to the doctor around 9am today, she gave me a bigass prescription of antibiotics (for sinusitis) that I immediately put in my purse. I haven't even had a single pill yet, and I'm already feeling better. Maybe I should just carry the bottle of pills around with me for the next few days.

Here's a few things to cheer oneself up if one happens to be sick. And for god's sake, put down that box of Thin Mints.

March 20th is the first annual Wear a Sweater Day in honor of Mr. Rogers. I love this!!!

here's a really cute web site from the Screen Actors Guild where various actors will read you a bedtime story.

this blog called Stuff White People Like (nay - love) has been cracking me up all day.

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