Monday, April 14, 2008

things from paste

this weekend i caught up on a backlog of several Paste magazines and here's some of what i dog-eared... is the coolest site – you can pick from all kinds of sweet art work for the back of your zune (if you happened to be interested in buying one). Apple should totally do something like this for customizing iphones and ipods 'cause I’d surely have to buy one.

and then the following artists were new to me:
sun kil moon - about the same speed as iron & wine
lili haydn - regina spektorish - tori amosish
echobelly - ok they've been around a while but i don't know why i just found them. they are the PERFECT combination of a lot of my favorite sounds. buh-rilliant. their best CD is not on their myspace but it's previewable here - appropriately titled "On".
emily king - a bit alicia keys, a bit india.arie
band of horses - kind ofa blend of death cab & jane's addiction
Sandrine - she's pretty original actually, but definitely belongs in the nancy sinatra / dusty springfield era

shivaree - major favorite - she's like gwen stefani's voice super stripped down, slowed down
chikezie - what, i seriously love chikezie! his cover of "i've just seen a face" is beautiful. plus i just like saying "take it easy, chikezie" as much as possible. it hasn't gotten old yet.

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