Friday, October 31, 2008

tricks or treats

Today for Halloween I was Mary Poppins which was a huge hit at work. Oddly, but not surprisingly, I was debating between being Courtney Love and Mary Poppins this year. I went with the first wig I found which happened to be a black mullet which works well as a granny hairdo in a bun, then just had to find a parrot - saw its head off (what) - saw off the end of an umbrella - and throw on some normal black and white work clothes. It wasn't much of a stretch for me, actually. I already have her shoes, scarf, jacket, hat and purse as a matter of course.

I was also initially drawn to a costume of "The Love Guru" just for its craziness but that was like $100.

A bilingual elementary school near our work always brings their kids in for trick or treating during the day which is really a brilliant idea, and is great for me since we don't EVER have trick or treaters at our apartment.

My favorite costume this year hands down was a seven year old Axl Rose. I immediately recognized him but had to ask just to confirm "Who are you?" and he said "Axl Rose" in an obvious tone like I should know better. BAD ASS.


Casa Ogden said...

I think she kinda looks like PICtures of you from high school.


Anonymous said...

I love your Mary Poppins get up, I'm a slutty pirate with all the other wenches out there. My dilemma was slutty tinkerbell, slutty alice, or just plain slut. HAHA I went for the slutty pirate so I could be like everyone else in SoCal

Anonymous said...

cams - you should have gone to a real party store and been Mike Myers in LOVE GURU. : )

Anonymous said...

it's not a she! axl was a he.

Casa Ogden said...

OOPS! Well then HE looks like pics of you from high school. It's the hair that fooled me!


Anonymous said...

love-love-love the mary poppins costume :)
