Tuesday, April 07, 2009

poetic tendencies

I love that April is Poetry Month and poets.org will send you a poem every day this month. This is my third year getting them and I'm always pleasantly surprised on April 1, I wish they would do it every day of the year. I have poetic tendencies and enjoy reading them, maybe I could even edit a book of them, but never was a natural at writing poems myself.

Here's today's.

by Gregory Orr

An excerpt from How Beautiful the Beloved

This is what was bequeathed us:
This earth the beloved left
And, leaving,
Left to us.

No other world
But this one:
Willows and the river
And the factory
With its black smokestacks.

No other shore, only this bank
On which the living gather.

No meaning but what we find here.
No purpose but what we make.

That, and the beloved's clear instructions:
Turn me into song; sing me awake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never been a big poetry fan myself. At the O-Naug, every one started to leave when the woman was reading her poem. It was kinda sad. But then again, she didn't do a great job reading it.