Sunday, September 16, 2007

the kitties next door

i am not exactly a "cat person" and neither is Derby - we both tend to be indifferent to cats. but two weeks ago new neighbors moved in across from us, and their two cats always come running to the window and actually Meow whenever we walk by. i have never seen cats react to a dog like that. they even wag their tails. Derby likes it and always sniffs them Hello through the window, in fact, i think he looks forward to seeing them.

today i took some photos and they LOVED it, they kept jumping and playing and posing.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

guava yoplait!!!!

OK this blog was supposed to be about our wonderful visit to the Magic Kingdom last weekend. but i have more important blogtent - today i was at safeway and buying the usual blackberry, peach, strawberry yoplait when i suddenly noticed... GUAVA? and Passionfruit?!! Hello!

ironically it's the perfect segueway to our upcoming visit to Kauai in 2 weeks. Denver must be a test market for these flavors because they're not listed on Yoplait's website. I personally love them both but in all honesty, Guava probably won't make it to the mass markets. It's a taste most people have to acquire - for newcomers, it tastes like peach combined with tomato and maybe a little lemon. But I'm a guava girl, so I ate it up instantly. I applaud Yoplait for going out on a limb.

Anyway we went to Daytona and Orlando last week to visit my Grandma Stef. It was so much fun, and less crowded in September, although it was brutally humid, as expected.

Most of my photos are unprintable here ~ when it's that hot, you wear very little, you sweat a lot, and frankly, that's just not something I want to share with the world wide web. But here's us with Dumbo!
and here's some random platypi that I loved.

I am in the process of relocating all my photos to Google's Picasa soon, 'cause Photosite is fading fast. : ( I like Picasa but I just wish it would offer backgrounds and templates for your photo albums. Stay tuned for a blog from Kauai later this month...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

That's One Zen Puppy

Derby just learned a new trick today and I'm completely serious - he now will do the yoga pose Downward Facing Dog on command. He really likes it, actually. Next we'll work on tree pose and awkward pose.