Tuesday, January 20, 2009

music is back on

I just added my Pandora stations to the top right of the blog space so you can listen at work, if you are "allowed" to!
Ever since my work blacklisted Pandora, my stations have been suffering! There's probably some oddball artists that will come up in the stations (like I just had to thumbs-down Neil Young off the acoustic mix) but otherwise they should be good to go.

p.s. For those of you with a clothing weakness like me, the Obamicon web site just added a feature to order your custom Obama-merch as t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, etc. It's too easy. Aghhhh!

Friday, January 16, 2009


sorry i only just now noticed that my mixwit gadget was broken. looks like they went out of biz due to copyright issues. maybe if you're really good, they'll be a mixmas next year!

pictured right is one of my ALL TIME favorite gifts, a new warm & fuzzy Bula hat with iPod earbuds built into the ears. rather than sticking any plugs in your ear canals, there's little soft speakers next to your ears. i wouldn't have guessed it to be unisex based on the Greta Gunther braids but it must be 'cause it's really big and stretchy, and we all know i already have a bigger than usual head (chorus of 'yups').

Friday morning i test drove the pod-hat on my train/bus trip to work, and the mini-ear speakers were so crisp, i tended to keep glancing around to see if anyone else could hear my Bel Biv Devoe blasting and was snickering at my expense. I really didn't want to be that guy. but it seems to be a solid cover! and really fantastic sound. next question - how can i wear one of these year round without looking like Sam in Garden State?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

woof for change

It takes a lot to get my attention away from American Idol but this worked. I already loved Paste, but their new Obama-your-self tool is so much cooler than the tired old Elf Yourself thing, it's not even funny. It takes a little while since it's so popular but here's a couple I did already. What else would you expect from me? : )