Saturday, April 07, 2007

DAM that's great art

I visited the newly rebuilt denver art museum today, finally. I really am not crazy about the funky angles, angles, angles architectural style of Daniel Liebskind. It's taking the theme too far for me, like when someone collects cows and there's cows in every room in their house, cows on the toilet paper, cows on the door knob...

but the new space definitely does a great job accomodating the modern art work and the layered levels remind me a lot of the guggeinheim, so I can see why Denver is so proud of the darn thing. more photos are on

probably the most thought-provoking and powerful part for me was a temporary exhibition called RADAR which featured a private colorado couple's interesting collection of surreal contemporary cartoony artists including yoshitomo nara (left) and michael joo (whose beheaded buddha statues with plastic Ken dolls for heads, were hard to accept as art, yet amusing).

the most interesting painting that is still on my mind is gottfried helnwein's epiphany (click for link). it's stiking how the mother and baby are so beautiful, so sharp in focus, and clearly from a different era than those around her. also just fascinating how much it looks like an actual photograph. even close up, it is so real.

i finally got about 100 photos from the last year of walking around Denver up on Picasa, so you can see the neighborhood where I work. it's certainly... what's the word... unpredictable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"dam that's great art" actually used to be their slogan so i admit, i plagiarized it. but since the re-design, the museum is a little too snobby for a slogan like that.