Thursday, January 31, 2008

a 29.9 year old's lament

i've really been trying not to dramatize over my upcoming 30th birthday although the truth is, i dread it a little. not that i'm not happy with my life so far or anything, but it was always nice to have a stigma associated with my 20's, like colleagues poking fun at me "oh, you're too young to remember this..." (hey, fine with me that i'm too young. make fun all you want! joke's on you, smug married 40something!)

but i just had a horrible, cruel moment of truth while driving on my lunch break. it went like this: all of my 5 programmed stations were on commercial, so i scanned the dial and landed on KOOL 105.1 which i happen to know is the Oldies station. i kid you not...right after a spot declaring the station plays the "best hits of the 60's and 70's" they cut to Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by JOURNEY, circa 1983. first of all, this was my favorite song in the first grade, don't get me started on Separate Ways. but C'mon - how harsh is that to call a 1983 song an Oldie???? Ughghghghghghghghghghghghghghhhhhh.


Anonymous said...

I just hit my 30th! I went snowboarding, I'm actually pretty excited to fit into the 30something crowd!

Anonymous said...

i'll still always be older than you

love ya


Anonymous said...

You know you are a child of the 80s when you go to a Van Halen concert in you mid 30s with big hair. I was the only one who had big hair ... quite a reality check for me. There were two girls dressed up as metal rockers though. Made me feel a little better.

Casa Ogden said...

Yeah! Luba is always gonna be older than you!!!

POO!!! I'm older than Luba...well only by 3 days.

What the hell are you doing for the BIG day newayz?
