Well, the big news of the year is, I bought my first home! It's the first floor and a half of the house pictured below. Usually my mini will be parked right where I'm standing there.

These last two months the process came along gradually and it all went fine, but things have felt nuts for me simply because I had 2 trips to Colorado, 1 visit to California, and an upcoming complicated 2-week trip to Europe with my family that kept me doubly occupied!
Thankfully it all came together right on time, and I attribute all of the calm to my brilliant, easy-going real estate agent in Watertown who didn't let anything slip, who was patient, honest and listened when in January I said, "I am not in a hurry; I don't want to buy anything right away" and then had the good sense to ignore me on that when I quickly changed my mind in late March.
Thankfully it all came together right on time, and I attribute all of the calm to my brilliant, easy-going real estate agent in Watertown who didn't let anything slip, who was patient, honest and listened when in January I said, "I am not in a hurry; I don't want to buy anything right away" and then had the good sense to ignore me on that when I quickly changed my mind in late March.
One of my favorite things about Watertown is everybody knows their local businesses and their neighbors -- it's a very small town, so I can only hope I'm going to be the small town gossip on this street, a redheaded single-lady nutcase from Calfornia who wants to adopt a dog ASAP and is known for peeling out like batshit in the black mini cooper that screams "Santa Cruz" off the back windows. Kidding. Maybe.
The cute businesses in my neighborhood (besides an array of Armenian and various Mediterranean markets) include Sofra (well loved among the vegan Cambridge crowd) and Magnolia Wine which I am relieved to report carries a great selection of small beers, including Abita.
Russo's (below) on Pleasant St., a huge fresh indoor/outdoor market, was actually my inspiration for moving to Watertown and I'm not the only one to say that.
Literally the first 10 minutes that I was entering my home for the first time, the mailman walked up and asked "Are you Lara Sue?" which was a good sign - and let's be honest - expected. The handwritten "Lara Sue" is known by mailmen far and wide.
Note to self: time to shop for some house number tiles. Black and white hardware-store stickers will not do. Something New Orleanian, perhaps.
Another first item of business was getting a few friends in place -- there is a beautiful jade green tiled fireplace in my living room, and this is by no means the final placement, but I made a little altar of favorite things, good luck charms, family, friends and such on the mantel. Wiiiiiiiliillson!
Second item of business was picking up my favorite incredible Greek yogurt from Sophia's, a shop just at the end of my street (technically not in Watertown, but Belmont!) that has everything a wannabe-Greek could ever dream of. Yummmm.
Second item of business was picking up my favorite incredible Greek yogurt from Sophia's, a shop just at the end of my street (technically not in Watertown, but Belmont!) that has everything a wannabe-Greek could ever dream of. Yummmm.
On moving day, I was impressed to see the sides of the house are blooming with pinks - although everything in Boston is blooming beautifully this year. When I viewed the house in March, I actually didn't know there was anything planted! A huge tree behind the house provides gracious shade for the the summer.
By the way, it's hilarious the things you realize you never noticed when you were house-shopping. My bathroom is very basic, beige and plain, except for the ornate faux-gold foliage on the TP hanger.
Also the bathroom and some of the other doors have a skeleton key. How very Alice. "Well, one good turn deserves another!"
If I look a little tired, this photo is a huge understatement of that.
It was taken at midnight last night after I spent an hour driving myself crazy looking for a shower curtain (which it turns out, was still at Mary's, after all that). My bedroom is going to look like a homeless person lives in there for a while. I have a mattress on the floor and no furniture, really. I have a pig-in-pajamas lamp from Amelie that needs to come out of the box. But I'm trying to just get a handle on the kitchen first.
It was taken at midnight last night after I spent an hour driving myself crazy looking for a shower curtain (which it turns out, was still at Mary's, after all that). My bedroom is going to look like a homeless person lives in there for a while. I have a mattress on the floor and no furniture, really. I have a pig-in-pajamas lamp from Amelie that needs to come out of the box. But I'm trying to just get a handle on the kitchen first.
The owners before me had left a file of receipts and history for construction or repairs done on the home including apparently, an unwelcome visit from squirrels in the basement. My goal is to keep a binder of the same stuff, but it's getting a noticeably sloppy start.
It's pretty sad that when I took inventory, I only owned one spoon! Ha. I've been living with other people's silverware so long...
So I picked up some polka-dotted (seemed right) silver at Targét last night.
Thank God Amy's wedding souvenirs last weekend were packets of freshly-ground coffee and lots of it. Kate and I were hoarding the coffee, and I really needed it this week and last week when things are all packed and I _can't_ find my anything.
Everyone keeps asking "Are you so excited???" with eagerness in their eyes - but truth is, moving is draining. The 250 sealed-up boxes and containers staring me in the face are overwhelming me, so I'm going to have to take it in small bites and not over-commit to staying up to 2 am looking for the shower curtain, or socks, or soap, or Ben Gay, or whatever.
I also already really miss JP - I've been feeling nostalgic about it all month, even though just yesterday there were 2 cars' windows busted out right outside my front door there. It was a sad fact when my bike was immediately stolen when I moved in, but there is still a happy friendliness and picturesque charm to the ultra-urban über-trendy part of Boston. No matter what gadget I buy, I can never possibly replace the exceptional cappuccino that I'd buy just two steps from our front door in Stony Brook.
Here's a photo of Mary's phenomenal living room (the day after the spray tan for Amy's wedding). The thing I might even miss the most is how people go cruising by our corner with their windows down, blaring anything from Michael Bolton to Desmond Dekker to the salsa soundtrack from SNL's Manuel Ortiz Talk Show... it cracks me up, and is never-ending.
...the little guy who always startles me on Mary's porch
The first day I moved into JP, the neighbors were all having drinks and snacks on the patio together, laughing up a storm and instantly invited me to join. Our neighbors completely rebuilt their patio in the Winter, and today was the first day they had the same outdoor activity again, as I was moving out!
Well, cheers to summer, and stay tuned for blogs in the coming weeks from Ukraine, Poland, Italy and Switzerland with my mum n' dad. Phew!
p.s. Unrelated to all this, I am obliged to mention that the news of MCA/Adam Yauch/Nathaniel Hornblower's death last weekend left me feeling ill -- not a good ill, but distinctly ill, for sure. At least the tributes have been great so far, and can't wait for the inevitable more tributes to come in the coming year.
p.s. Unrelated to all this, I am obliged to mention that the news of MCA/Adam Yauch/Nathaniel Hornblower's death last weekend left me feeling ill -- not a good ill, but distinctly ill, for sure. At least the tributes have been great so far, and can't wait for the inevitable more tributes to come in the coming year.
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