Tuesday, January 23, 2007

about damn time

lots to blog about today.

my favorite news of the year so far is Rage Against the Machine is reuniting at Coachella. that is such a badass comeback party. I have really missed those guys, and it's been frustrating that their breakup coincided with the best possible presidential administration to rage about! but I'm a little scared that with all those years of rage built up, Coachella might turn into a giant stampede. or not - this may be the first year attendance is actually down because fans can just catch the replay on youtube! true.

but trying to think positively, maybe Rage will help "rock the vote" in 08. in fact, Barack would be wise if he starts getting bands and other MTV celebrities behind him right away. maybe he can get a shout-out by one of the american idol contestants. it didn't quite work for Kerry, but that's mostly because the message was "vote bush out" and not "vote for kerry" and because the artists were Bruce Springstein and Bonnie Raitt (who?).

is it too crazy an idea to suggest Barack pick "renegades of funk" for his campaign theme song? No Matter How Hard You Try, You Can't Stop Us Now...

in a really sad story, that The Village Voice has finally "sold out" to a bigger media company and even the new owner acknowledges it will never quite be the same.

last and definitely least, just when you thought David Lynch wasn't being weird enough lately, he starts giving lectures on Transcendtal Meditation with Donovan and completely redeems himself! Am I the only one that hopes this is part of a secret Lynch film project... like a mockumentary? that would be sweet but i'm afraid too good to be true.

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