Wednesday, January 31, 2007

wake up call.

music news -
i am still scratching my head that i have never discovered patty griffin before this year, especially since she's a boston girl.

i am trying really hard to cut back on my itunes junkie habit, but i did have to download Paolo Nutini tonight, he's just so likeable. also recently I'm into Nina Gordon (former lead singer of Veruca Salt)... what else... well I'm not buying any of last year's American Idol contestant's albums...

there are rumors flying everywhere that iTunes is going to get the Beatles library on Valentines Day. I tend believe it's not a coincidence that these rumors leaked the same day that Vista launched, or in other words, it's one more of Steve Jobs' slap-microsoft-in-the-face marketing tactics. it will be interesting to me if and when they ever do sell beatles songs as singles on iTunes, to see what song is downloaded the most. early prediction: it won't be YESTERDAY. and it sure won't be GOOD DAY SUNSHINE. i have to give this some thought... (anonymous tip: if you ever want the whole beatles catalog in mp3 format for about 3 bucks, just take a vacation to Moscow)

and youtube highlight of the week: spike jonze commercials

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