Friday, January 12, 2007

bits and rants

some funny sites and articles i stumbled across in blog-browsing this week. links in bold.

a fantastic photo Collection of "Strange Statues around the World" - some less strange than others, although the top one probably is strangest. I need to submit one of my photos from Moscow to the collection.

the most original wedding cake I've ever seen. so cute.

Say it isn't so: I'm shedding an invisible tear today, after hearing that Queer Eye's upcoming season will be the last. I have yet to ever get sick of the Fab Five's obnoxious, outlandish behavior, Carson's stupid puns, and all of them forcing their happy & gayness into the lives of straight men (while making every wife / girlfriend / child's dream come true with a free interior design makeover by Thom). But I felt the same way about Will & Grace. They kept getting funnier and obnoxiouser, and when their time was up, it was two years too soon. RIP, Fab Five. We will always have you on DVD. p.s. - please please please don't sign up to do spinoff shows.

on youtube - a hilarious Canadian study on the effects of drugs on spiders building webs - why didn't SNL think of this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to make my self a Paperboy wedding cake, Wait, that probably wouldn't be very good. I'll be the dog chasing paperboy!