Thursday, December 21, 2006

feeling stranded

I should have put "Stranded" by Van Morisson on my mixmas this year. : (

I lost any optimism late last night when I heard DIA is now not even OPEN until Friday at noon, earliest. Chris was able to rebook me on a flight to Connecticut for Saturday morning but who knows if those flights will really happen or not. So now Derby and I are stuck inside for 2 1/2 days... I am so glad I recently bought him dog food and he's got christmas bones to keep him entertained 'cause he keeps saying "Why can't we go outside??" and moping around bored.

It was a good laugh when I looked at the calendar today and noticed that today is officially the start of winter. In Colorado the Winter Solstice is September 21.........Autumn, Fall, what's that? Never heard of it.

I'd like to just pick up and drive out to the East Coast with Derby, we would totally be up for it, but none of our interstate highways are open.

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